Charlie's Broker World Colum for February. Remember, if you would like to navigate from page to page, use the arrows...
Regulations Blogposts
Secure 2.0 Fact Sheet
The long-anticipated SECURE Act 2.0 was signed into law 3 years after the original SECURE Act! The time is NOW to...
Webinar Recording from August 10th, 2021: Tom Hegna!! Paychecks and Playchecks!!!
Case Study: Section 7702 Changes, Before and After
Below is a case study video that happened this week. Feel free to discuss below in the "comments".
Carrier Implementation of Section 7702 Changes.
As I was speaking with a few carriers recently about them signing up and contributing expertise to the Retirement...
Whitepaper: The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
The consolidated Appropriations Act was a roughly 5,500 bill that was signed into law in late December 2020. The...
Brief History of Social Security
This is not meant to be a technical analysis of Social Security. This article is merely meant to give you a few...
Selling Life Insurance As “Investments”: Stay Out of Jail!
This message is prompted by hearing about yet another agent that got herself in trouble by selling cash value life...
Good News! Changes To Section 7702
If you get shivers down your spine in excitement like I do when you think of things like CVAT, GPT, Modified Endowment...

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CG Financial Group, LLC
7629 Silverstone Ct.
Johnston, IA 50131