Practice Management Blogposts
Webinar: Roleplaying the Post Social Security Seminar Meeting. Discussing Social Security and the Retirement Income Plan
This video is a video of what a "retirement income plan" conversation looks like that takes place after one of our...
Broker World Article: Rethinking Seminar Prospecting
Broker World Article: Options For Being A Registered Rep And Also Selling Indexed Annuities
Charlie's Broker World Colum for February. Remember, if you would like to navigate from page to page, use the arrows...
Broker World Article: Literal Language Versus Practical Language. The Client’s Perception Is Our Reality
Article is below. Remember, to click through the pages, use the arrows at the bottom of the document.
Broker World: Independent Distribution and Never Being “Outproducted”
Charlie writes for Broker World monthly and shares those writings with CG Financial Group financial professionals. In...
Rollovers, Transfers, and 1035 Exchanges: Don’t Assume You Already Know
A client of mine calls me up and says, “my CPA says (oh boy, here we go) that I should have gotten a 1099R for my...
ChatGPT Writes an Article For My Website
News: CA Agents!!! Display License Number On Emails
Starting January 1, 2023, the state of California requires that producers display their license number in the emails...
The Best Time to Use a CRM Was 20-Years Ago, But the Second Best Time is NOW…
I know, I know! That is not exactly how the old Chinese proverb went, but it was something like that! It...
Webinar Recording: Technology Ideas for Your Agency
Staying Calm While Others are Panicking
Many years ago I had a 6:00 am Southwest flight out of Omaha to Phoenix. I was dead tired because I had to wake up at...

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CG Financial Group, LLC
7629 Silverstone Ct.
Johnston, IA 50131