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Motivational Blogposts
Webinar Recording from August 10th, 2021: Tom Hegna!! Paychecks and Playchecks!!!
Agents should be excited about the pig and the Python!!!
For all of us in financial services and those that plan on being around for the next several years, there are great...
Embrace Your Scars
At 43 years old I am no longer a young puppy. I remember being a 20-something in the business wishing that I could be...
Have An Opinion!
A while back I was reading the Wall Street Journal and my son says, "why do you read the news so much??". I thought...
NOT recommending something that IS suitable can get you in as much trouble as recommending something that is NOT suitable.
As I was finishing up and article (click here) on Long-Term Care and how I believe addressing the LTC problem with...
Ned Ryerson is Just as Cool as Gordon Gekko
There is a lot that can be learned from little kids. They are unfiltered and say what is on their minds because they...
Four Traits Possessed by “The 21st Century Financial Professional”
This article is basically an excerpt from the article here. This article is not necessarily focusing on the...
Why Dr. Phil Can Sell More Insurance Than Warren Buffett
If Dr. Phil and Warren Buffett were trying to sell you a financial product, which one of those two people would you be...
Clients Don’t Care If Your Dad Is Stronger Than My Dad
Kids that are somewhere between the ages of five and 10 are funny to talk to. This is because they are old enough that...
How Do Politicians Get Elected?
First off, my goal is to make this so non-political that, by the end of this article, you will not know whether I am a...
Grit: Who Says We All Need To Be Equal?
In 1835 there was a significant development in the firearms industry. This was the year a gentleman named Sam Colt...

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CG Financial Group, LLC
7629 Silverstone Ct.
Johnston, IA 50131