If Dr. Phil and Warren Buffett were trying to sell you a financial product, which one of those two people would you be...
Financial Professional Content Blogposts
“Why do I have to take a loan from myself?? That is my money!!!”
If you have sold cash value life insurance for any period of time, you have been asked by the client, “Why do I have...
The History of Annuities
Alittle over 2,000 years ago lived Julius Caesar. This was around 50 BC. Julius Caesar of course was the...
Brief History of Social Security
This is not meant to be a technical analysis of Social Security. This article is merely meant to give you a few...
IUL Illustrations Should Be About Education, Not Fluffery
Illustration Rocket Science As I sit here, I am looking at an indexed universal life (IUL) insurance illustration that...
Clients Don’t Care If Your Dad Is Stronger Than My Dad
Kids that are somewhere between the ages of five and 10 are funny to talk to. This is because they are old enough that...
How Do Politicians Get Elected?
First off, my goal is to make this so non-political that, by the end of this article, you will not know whether I am a...
Grit: Who Says We All Need To Be Equal?
In 1835 there was a significant development in the firearms industry. This was the year a gentleman named Sam Colt...
Behavioral Economics: Three Nobel Laureates Can’t Be Wrong!
I have been preaching the virtues of behavioral economics for over 15 years, since the Dotcom bust confirmed to me...
Prospect With Social Security: 65 Million Americans Agree!
What do these numbers represent: $3.4 trillion or $111,000 per household? Those numbers represent how much money...
The Pandemic That Killed The Communicator
Trillions of dollars of lost productivity. This pandemic has led to immeasurable harm to our industry and our economy....
Why “Overfund” A Life Insurance Policy?
As my company trains scores and scores of financial professionals every month on permanent life insurance, we...
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CG Financial Group, LLC
7629 Silverstone Ct.
Johnston, IA 50131