Although many people, including me, were somewhat excited about the state of Washington mandating that Washingtonians...
Financial Professional Content Blogposts
Case Study: Section 7702 Changes, Before and After
Below is a case study video that happened this week. Feel free to discuss below in the "comments".
Case Study: LTC, Life, and Retirement. Oh, and the Engineer!!!
Below is a case study video that happened this week. Feel free to discuss below in the "comments".
Suggested Commission Sharing/Split Structures
Many times a "junior agent" might seek to partner with a veteran agent. The reasons for this partnership are obvious;...
GLWB Taxation (Written By Mystery Man)
A great friend of mine and a Retirement Academy member sent me his thoughts on GLWB/Lifetime Income Rider taxation...
Marketing: When Protein Powder is not just “Protein Powder”
A while back as I was preparing to go to the gym, I made myself a protein shake. For whatever reason, I actually read...
Embrace Your Scars
At 43 years old I am no longer a young puppy. I remember being a 20-something in the business wishing that I could be...
Case Study: Decedent IRA, Or Not
Below is a case study video that happened this week Feel free to discuss below in the "comments".
Whitepaper: Women and Social Security
Case Study: 1035ing into an already existing IUL
Below is a case study video that happened this week. Feel free to discuss below in the "comments".
Case Study: Lifetime Income for 51-Year-Old
Below is a case study video that happened this week. Feel free to discuss below in the "comments".
Capital Gains Taxes of 43.4%??? Should I Sell My Stocks?
Two days ago I made the video you will see at the bottom of this post that verbally lays out what Bloomberg put out...
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CG Financial Group, LLC
7629 Silverstone Ct.
Johnston, IA 50131