This is a very straightforward explanation from Athene on Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and also the "Pro Rata Rule"....
IRAs and Qualified Money Blogposts
Video: Indirect Rollovers, Direct Rollovers, and Direct Transfers
Roth IRAs: The Basics and Not-So-Basics
With the tax increases that will almost inevitably happen, the entire world is talking about Roth IRA‘s. ...
Required Minimum Distribution Reference Guide
To view the various pages in the below document, click the arrows at the bottom of the document to navigate pages.
Converting A GLWB Annuity To A Roth: What Value Is Taxed?
Below is one of my monthly columns that I write for Broker World. To scroll through the pages, go to the bottom of the...
IRA Beneficiary Distribution Guide and Cheat Sheet
To view the various pages in the below document, click the arrows at the bottom of the document to navigate pages.
Video: GLWBs and ROTH IRA Conversions: Which Value is the Tax Based On?

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