Here is a video explaining the method to the madness of "Structured Annuities". Ignore the numbers as Charlie merely...
Indexed Annuities Blogposts
Selling Indexed Annuities: Part 2, Discussing GLWB Riders
Converting A GLWB Annuity To A Roth: What Value Is Taxed?
Below is one of my monthly columns that I write for Broker World. To scroll through the pages, go to the bottom of the...
Four Annuity/GLWB Comparisons: The Best Versus The Best!!!!
Video: Demo of Annuity E-Application. IT’S EASY!!!
Video: Selling Indexed Annuities: Part 3, Discussing the Contract Value and the Benefit Base
Charlie’s Broker World Article on Annuity Pricing, Life Pricing, and Replacing Clients’ Old Annuities To Get New and Better Caps
GLWB Economics: Are GLWB’s Even a Good Thing???
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that at a 5% (for example) payout factor, it takes 20 years for the...
Selling Indexed Annuities: Part 1, Discussing how indexed annuities credit interest
Indexed Products: How The Watch Is Built
First off, if you like this whitepaper, feel free to register for our "Agent Portal" that has a couple hundred videos,...
Risk Premium: Applying Economic Principles (and common sense) to Indexed Annuity and IUL Illustrated Rates.
Life Annuity Specialist Article: Amid Plethora of Indexes, Annuity Buyers Return to the Familiar
I wanted to post this article that I contributed to in Life Annuity Specialist. I want to post this in the "CG...

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