This is a very straightforward explanation from Athene on Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and also the "Pro Rata Rule"....
Financial Professional Content Blogposts
Webinar Recording: Selling Long-Term Care and Hybrid Products for Dummies (and Ideas)
Webinar Recording Below
Video: Do Some Carriers Play Games With Caps???
Video: The Three Types of Long-Term Care (in 3 minutes)
Video: Sequence of Accounts To Withdraw From
If you are a financial professional and would like to discuss this video with Charlie, feel free to call him....
Why I Don’t Give a Crap About My Annuity “Fees”
Video Below Note: This is the annuity that Charlie bought for himself. This is focused on income where "fees" do not...
Webinar Recording: One America, Efficient LTC Planning, Using a Client’s Assets for LTC Coverage
Webinar Recording: One America, Efficient LTC Planning: Using a client’s Assets for LTC coverage
Awesome Annuity Chart: “Annuities Don’t Have Inflation Adjustments”
One of the biggest objections to annuities with a guaranteed withdrawal benefit rider is that they usually are just...
Video: The Truth About Volatility Control Indexes
Note: In the example, i was using today's participation rates and plugging them into the performance over the last...
Broker World: Whole Life Flexibility and Case Design (Part 1 of 3)
Webinar: Retirement Income Plan Case Study

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Johnston, IA 50131